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Summer 2017 - pt.1 Scandinavia and Estonia

Stockholm 2 months of endless travel across Europe My summer holiday began in the early hours of the 2nd July,  Leavers Ball  had finished less than 3 hours before I left Tudor to head to Banbury bus station for a 4am bus to Gatwick Airport. I arrived at Gatwick at around 6am having had very little sleep on the bus ready for my 9am flight to Copenhagen where I arrived dreary eyed and extremely tired. Somehow I managed to make it through that day without napping once to regain the sleep I had lost that night. The next morning I attempted to wake up for sunrise at Nyhavn, a 4am wake up, sadly there was no sunrise as the sun barely peeked through the clouds that morning so I went back to bed sleep some more hours before more exploring that day and an overnight bus to Oslo that evening. the sunrise attempt Nyhavn After my overnight bus to Oslo I arrived having slept a total or probably half an hour in the very last moments of the bus ride. Arriving at 7am...

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